Friday, May 16, 2014

"Ten and eleven down, ONE TO GO!"

So ... I've been especially sick following the last two treatments. Why? I have absolutely no idea. The pain in my abdomen comes in waves so bad that it takes my breath away. I literally can't stand up straight when I have the pain. It sent me to the hospital last Friday night. I thought I was dying ... and at one point there, I wanted to die.
Please help me welcome morphine. Oh, how I love you. You make the pain stop, stop enough so I can relax my muscles and elongate my torso. If I had to choose a drug to become addicted to, it would be you, my sweet sweet opiate. 

But ... I'm not planning to become addicted to anything after next week, my last treatment, aside from good, clean food and exercise. I've only got a few months to prepare for a pretty big family trip and I will not let my health keep me from going with my family. I hope to recover from chemo quickly because I really feel like I've lost 6 months of my life. In so many ways, I have. Let's hope my first post-chemotherapy scan comes back clean so I can say ... IT WAS ALL SO WORTH IT. I can't wait to ring that "I'm done" bell.
Me just starting treatment #10.
My awesome son driving me to the clinic to get my bloody port flushed.
In good spirits before #11. (Low 130's for weight here. I have no muscles.)
My chemo friend Stan ringing the bell.
Carry on,