Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"CHEMOCATION! Yes please."

I'm on a two week chemocation and loving it! My hands and feet are clearing up nicely, all my abdominal pain is gone, the nausea has subsided, and I'm sleeping like a princess. Less hair is falling out, too. Added bonus, yes?
But more important than the physical victories are the emotional ones that this break has created, for me and for my caregivers. My parents went on a short trip. Normally, they'd be wintering down in AZ right now. But because of my diagnosis in November, they opted to stay in snowy, happy valley to care for me. So the fact that they were able to leave town for a few days makes me so happy.
And then there's my hub and chillens. Oh what fun we've had the past few days together. This time, being happy and feeling good, is a glimpse of what I'm going to feel like after I'm done with chemotherapy. This glimpse has rejuvenated my spirit immensely. I think of it whenever I think of my next treatment. You see, fear consumes me when I think of treatment. I know how sick I'm going to get, how my body is going to ache and burn from within from the chemo, how I'm going to sleep away days of my life ... all while my husband and kids look on. This glimpse is the light at the end of the "cancersumption" tunnel I live in right now. This chemocation is truly a Godsend. Truly.

Carry on,

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